13 August 2011


As you may gather from the title, this post is going to be more of an introduction as to what I think Journalism is or what it should be, I will also talk about what it has become and my feelings toward that.

Let me begin by saying I hold Freedom of Speech to be one of the most important things in the Bill of Rights. As it protects dissenters and followers alike. My freedom to speak has enabled me to create a blog like this, and enables me to use my voice to try and make a difference. When freedom of speech is stifled and is wrestled from the people such as what is happening in UK right now with the London riots, it just makes people more angry. When used properly, the Freedom of Speech can make or break governments... It simply depends on how satisfied the people are with the government they have.
I begin with the short piece about the freedom of speech because it's the essential component when it comes to journalism to me. Granted I haven't taken any classes, and have virtually NO experience with journalism, I have a deep drive and passion to tell people exactly what is going on... I see a huge difference between what is going on in the mainstream media vs what is actually going on around the world. To quote a fellow journalist:
The mainstream media is too busy telling people HOW and WHY the robbers took the money, to tell people about WHO they were and WHICH WAY they were going! - Keith Olbermann 
While the mainstream media was busy focusing on the ridiculous Casey Anthony case I was looking behind it at the effects that the media was causing. There was actually someone who ran over a fellow citizen because she looked like Casey Anthony... Her reasoning? The victim was "trying to hurt babies" and she was on a mission “to stop it before it happened again."

While I don't necessarily look down on mainstream media (MSM), I do think they aren't doing a good enough job... They either completely ignore the important stories or blow them out of proportion. I think that MSM is not longer the "watch-dog of democracy" as Jefferson envisioned it, but rather it's a circus act designed to delude the American people into thinking they know what is happening while backroom deals and corporate influences change the future behind closed doors. 

Well... I'm here to hopefully change that.

Thank you for reading, please follow or subscribe to this blog if you care to see more, even just a comment will show that someone cares.


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